about me

I was born in the 80s—the rust brown & wood-paneled 1980s, not the neon one—to a lovely woman who commuted two hours each day to work in a cubicle, and took me to McDonalds so often that I got Happy Meal toys for free.

Every job I ever wanted to be as a kid ended in -ologist, but there was always a creative spark that ran deeply through me. Ask my grandmother, who graciously donated all of her spare paper and bakery boxes to endless drawings and dioramas.

I balanced my career as a graphic designer with personal photography projects, which primarily centered around every day surroundings. I spend much of my time figuring out just what it means to live in Florida—to be in this beautiful, strange place where reality and illusion exist side by side. Eventually, this garnered attention from galleries, museums, publications, and provided for teaching opportunities. Somewhere there are better words, but this continues to be a a very, very cool experience in my life. One that the little girl eyeing the sugar Grimace on her cake wouldn’t have imagined possible (to be fair, I really just wanted to eat grimace—and I did).

My creative approach—no matter the medium—is to seek out the story behind what I’ve been assigned or am interested in.

I received my BA in Graphic Design and Art History from San Diego State University, and currently live in Orlando with my partner, daughter and our wildly talkative cat, Sugar.

Other claims-to-fame:
• Roadside boiled peanut fiend
• Avid reader of Florida History
• Grocery store music aficionado
• Champion Cypress tree seeker & swamp hiker 
• Goal of: camping in every Florida State Park
• Baking enthusiast
• Owns way too many crocheted blankets for this weather




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